Pepijn Kenter

Results 5 issues of Pepijn Kenter

When using the PySide2 binding the following error occurs when you close a spin box editor in the Config Tree (i.e. when you have filled in a value and select...

depencency: PySide

When using the PySide2 binding the following errror occurs when you close a/the main window. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/kenter/prog/py/argos/argos/widgets/", line 826, in closeEvent self.finalize() File "/Users/kenter/prog/py/argos/argos/widgets/",...

depencency: PySide

When traversing the abstract syntax tree nodes in depth first order, the node position (being the `lineno` and `col_offset` attributes) are not always encountered in increasing order. For example decorators...


## Describe the issue When I use the `ls -l` command in a directory that is under control of OneDrive, it will download the file from the cloud. If I...

First of all thanks for making this library. Is it somehow possible to make line plots where the x-coordinates are Python datetime objects or Numpy datetime64 elements? I couldn't find...