Hey! Great work, that could be a great example in ML courses. It would maybe benefit from having a pip requirement.txt files that would automatize the install: ```python Pillow==7.0.0 opencv-python==
This issue will be mapping the road to v1.0.0 and what's left to do before this code gets out of beta. Here is a first throw: - [x] Use of...
Hello! I deployed Streama on a large scale (29 To of videos and will have to overcome more thant 10 simultaneous streamings, with ~56 000 film entries) and I encounter...
Todo: - [ ] Change report to use : /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot - [ ] total_usdt should be calculated either: based on the account snapshot + current coin + its value in...
It seems the use of PM2 or systemd can interact badly with the update process. We should investigate the extent of it, either assert it or specify the bot must...