Itsuki Toyota

Results 18 issues of Itsuki Toyota

Hi, I faced an error when tried to build the Dockerfile: command: ``` $ sudo docker build . ``` error: ``` Step 21/23 : RUN conda install -y pytorch=0.3.1 torchvision...

Hi, Could you mention what dictionary(and its version) did you use for Japanese morpheme analyzer (i.e., MeCab) in README? I couldn't find the dictionary via the [mecab-python-0.996]( page since it...

## The Problem META6.json prevents the perl6 command from finding So, I cannot call `perl6 -I. -Ilib -MBuild -e '`. ``` $ perl6 -I. -Ilib -MBuild -e '$*CWD)' ===SORRY!===...

See the following lines: When I tried rakudo-and-nqp-internals-course and created a PHP-like language, I noticed that `$output(|@args)` causes error when `@args` is not empty. This example implements...

## Context "zef install Some::Module" doesn't show the alternatives when there are two modules that have the same name but authored by the different user: ``` $ zef --force-install install...

I'm not sure where to report this issue and here is the proper place to report or not... See the _Maven artifact repository information_ section: It seems that: 1)...

Hi, I noticed that `JSONArray.iterator()` is missing in the 20170516 version of org.json. So I fixed the code to generate the index and use it as `jsonArray.get(i)`. cheers,

Hi, See: In this example, for generating the input, an external resource is downloaded and parsed by a xpath handler. At the end of this pre-process, it generates a...

Hi I faced the following situations. ``` # Failed test 'recv calls' # at t/160-issue-67.t line 21 # expected: '1' # got: '9' # Looks like you failed 1 test...

nxparser `1.2.strictNulls-SNAPSHOT` seems undownloadable in recent years or months, so I updated its version to `1.2.10` I confirmed that `mvn test` passes all of the tests without any additional fixes.