Tit Petric

Results 77 issues of Tit Petric

I'd like a way to block `github.com/jmoiron/sqlx`, struct `DB`, function `Select`, `Exec`, `Must*` - Must* functions are dangerous in a service context (assuming you don't have `recover` middleware) - Select,...

I'd like to forbid dot imports on some projects, could faillint catch package aliases or explicitly `.` with -paths? e.g. ``` import ( . "github.com/pkg/errors" ) ```

Hello, particularly I have the issue with the following line in application.go: ~~~go fmt.Println("state", status.PlayerState, "status.Idle Reason", status.IdleReason) ~~~ The output itself doesn't even go through logrus, which is what...

If playing a m3u8 stream and the stream drops due to buffering or other issue, log output is something like this: ~~~ 2020-01-03T21:08:15+01:00 state BUFFERING status.IdleReason 2020-01-03T21:08:19+01:00 state PLAYING status.IdleReason...

Hello, looking at `docker-machine env`, there's also `DOCKER_HOST` available; ``` set -x DOCKER_HOST tcp://; ``` It should be trivial to use this instead, removing the dependency on `docker-machine`. Alternatively, it...

When running a container, there is no facility to stop and error out from the health check. Currently the only work-around is to elevate a context with deadline to a...

## Description WIP: Adding redis 7.0+ support, storage... *waves at everything*. ## Related Issue ## Motivation and Context ## How This Has Been Tested ## Screenshots (if appropriate) ## Types...

The change adresses possible log overwrite issues with our logger - the standard logrus logger actually doesn't have this security issue, even without adding `ForceQuote` on fields. There's no way...

## Description As the connection is closed, net.Listener.Accept will return an untyped error for go =1.16; there is a pre-existing check for connection closed which wasn't used in the code...

This PR should prevent two StartTest() calls to run in parallel. Since we have some setup/teardown issues that limit concurrency, the first step is to figure out where and to...