Titouan CREACH

Results 12 comments of Titouan CREACH

@bjminhuang I don't think so. If you do that, you'll potentially add a side effect (`this.setState`) in the constructor that is not recommended. The React way for doing this is...

@danilowoz Can I work on it ?

@mak-pun Wow, didn't think of that. It works perfectly. Thanks. I post here my wrapper for future Googler. ```vue export default { } .vue-material-wrapper { @import '~vue-material/dist/vue-material'; } ``` Just...

Hello, You probably want to import `RouterProvider` instead of `RouteProvider`. You can find the exhaustive list of the exported fields here: https://github.com/router5/router5/blob/master/packages/react-router5/modules/index.ts#L19

I just cloned your repo, I can reproduce. I have been able to fix this by changing: ```javascript import React, { ReactNode } from 'react' ``` to ```javascript import *...

@troch Providing a tsconfig.json through npm that allow syntheric default imports should fix this

It was refering to a tsconfig that didn't exist. Btw, the tsconfig provided was invalid. Maybe we should provide a tsconfig, but a valid one. We can also use the...

> What was invalid in it? Requiring `../../tsconfig.base.json` > import * as ...? See updated comment (I find this ugly btw but it works) (I like synthetics default imports but...

> Presumably, it would only require a tsconfig.json with esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports. The provided tsconfig.json is only used for definition files, and not compiled source? I guess, the sources are...

I think that if we provide a valid `tsconfig.json` with `allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true`, we will: - allow the developpers of router5 to use `allowSynteheticDefaultImports` if they want to - allow the...