Augusto Barreto

Results 12 comments of Augusto Barreto

I confirm that upgrading rxjs to version 7 solves the problem. About Nswag, you need to set "rxJsVersion": 7.0. And about next(), you need to use Subject\. Then it's mostly...

Same problem here: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at EntityFramework.Utilities.EFQueryHelpers.GetFKProperty[T,TChild](ReadOnlyCollection`1 cSpaceTables) at EntityFramework.Utilities.EFQueryHelpers.GetForeignKeyGetter[T,TChild](ReadOnlyCollection`1 cSpaceTables) at EntityFramework.Utilities.EFQueryHelpers.IncludeEFU[T,TChild](IQueryable`1 query, DbContext context, Expression`1 collectionSelector)

Hi Mikael. And thanks so much for your time. This is my query: IQueryable query = _unitOfWork.Courses.Query() .IncludeEFU(_unitOfWork.Context, c => c.PatientInteractions.Where(pi => pi.PatientId == userId)) .IncludeEFU(_unitOfWork.Context, c => c.Ratings.Where(r =>...

Mikael, sorry I miss the notification of your message (I have to unwatch so many repositories). I have added the source code to my project and I found the line...

Can't find a way to get the real type out from the EntityType and I'm not sure it will be possible. Here is an unanswered question about that: I...

Mikael, I found another issue that is possibly related to this one. The line 72 in EFQueryHelpers: var baseType = typeof(T).BaseType != typeof(object) ? typeof(T).BaseType : typeof(T); is throwing: Mapping...

This feature would be a great addition

@karmaecrivain94 I unable to use your workaround. VS 2017 is not targeted and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could you share the entire manifest contents? Thanks

@hamzazia1 Thanks! It worked for me on VS 2017 Community

Hi @ismcagdas. Sorry, but the project is from my work and we just ended up using MemoryCache. Nevertheless, the file changes on your PR seem correct.