I'm affected by the exact same issue. I think it's dependent on the pictures. I have a Canon 5D Mark 1 and I export my pictures using darktable.
Okay I seemed to have solved it by using the 3.1 branch of lycheesync. Maybe this should get merged to the master branch?
I've been able to download protected video by setting two headers: Cookie and User-Agent. First, find the right values for that by using the developer tools of your browser. Then...
I observe something very similar, that might be related to this issue: I use the Haskell REPL ghci, and each time I press enter, I should see the output of...
I tried using old commits of this repository, and I can't fix the problem this way. It might have something to do with emacs itself.
I've updated vterm today, and the issue is fixed for me. I don't know if it's that pull request you mentioned but it's definitely fixed for me. Thanks!
I'm having the same issue as @Computerfreak1909. Just for clarity, Versuche is translated in English by "Retrying" My TV is a UE40KU6179.
I have the same issue. Multi day org events appear just like they do on your setup
Yes you're right. I have another computer on which everything was fine. After updating it (I'm not sure which was the org version), the problem appeared.
Does anything speaks againt merging this PR?