Matt Price
Matt Price
I wonder if you could provide some examples of filtering an org node tree, maybe analogously to the way org agenda or org-sparse-tree allow filtering? I am trying to convert...
Hi, thanks for this awesome tool! I am running the pgtk branch with native comp enabled, emacs 28.0.50-git, very recent (upgraded today). On compilation, I get these warnings; I have...
I'm thinking of using Github Classroom next semester and trying to figure out how grading workflow will work. Do folks just inspect the repositories manually? Or do you use pull...
Ifhtere's no nvm-which present, then the `nvm-which` funciton in the docs fails. I was able to fix it with: ```lisp (defun nvm-which () (let ((output (shell-command-to-string "source ~/.nvm/; nvm which")))...
We are building a flexible framework designed to accommodate a variety of crawled page snapshots. Different services produce different data formats. By documenting them carefully, we set ourselves up for...
I'd like to use plz to upload files to an authorized endpoint. That endpoint requires the file and various dynamically-assigned parameters to be passed as multipart form data. In curl...
I am making many sequential async requests, each of which returns some JSON. I'd like to build a list of all these responses to use later on. Your async example...
might be related to #5 , as I use tabs extensively, but it also seems to apply with tab-bar-mode turned off. here's my use-package: ```emacs-lisp (use-package nano-sidebar :ensure nil :defer...
I'm just looking at this package after having seen some of your other work. Your readme says sidebars are "per-frame", but do you know whether they can e per-tab as...
I've just started to work on a custom-geo-mashup that adds the ability to use image overlays. It is very primitive and not at all integrated into the Wordpress workflow. I've...