I made a custom board with atmega328pb and tried the graphics test sample file and it works properly. I noticed though that pin 12 (MISO) it is controlled by the...
WishList: It is not possible in the top or bottom view to enable and disable for example the solder mask or silkscreen or copper to see the board with real...
The application works fine, but the zoom with the mouse wheel works when he wants, I have to do many turns before the image is resized. I use windows10 and...
Linking problem under arduino 1.8.19: /mnt/DFA9A0176612163D/DATA/ProgramsLinux/Arduino/ArduinoIde/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../ lib / gcc / avr / 7.3.0 /../../../../ avr / bin / ld: / mnt / DFA9A0176612163D / DATA / ProgramsLinux / Arduino /...
Hi, I was trying to communicate with ODB2 with my 206 1.1cc auto peugeot which should have the KWB2000 slow protocol. I built the optoisolated hardware interface and it works...
I use the core: "https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico" I followed the guide contained in the file: "getting-started-with-pico.pdf" And the compilation takes place without errors. Using picotool the information I entered is not visible,...
I'm using an atmega328pb with arduino and I would like to use the spi2 to control an oled ssd1309 display, is it possible? or should I use the display in...
USB force feedback can be successfully implemented on stm32f103c8t6 mcu or the 128KB version is it possible to implement force feedback or do you need the stm32f4xx mcu which is...
I repeat the title question: Is it possible to use esp8266? In order to insert the firmware into the wifi antenna supplied to the inverter.
I used tasmotizer to save the firmware from an esp8266 device, the backup file is generated but the backup progress bar is not displayed. I'm on Linux Mint 21.3 and...