Mikhail Safir
Mikhail Safir
Hello. I'm facing the problem of downloading a large .mp4 video from the server. Library crashes in processActions
Good day, i'm sorry, thats the last question - How can i change snapPoints dynamical? I have already created RideauView and made addSubview. And i need to change snapPoints while...
ERROR: /Users/#####/Desktop/macosclient/Vendor/Alamofire/BUILD.bazel:219:16: in umbrella_header rule //Vendor/Alamofire:Alamofire_umbrella_header: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/#####/Desktop/macosclient/Vendor/rules_pods/BazelExtensions/extensions.bzl", line 113, column 51, in _umbrella_header_impl objc_provider = apple_common.new_objc_provider( Error in new_objc_provider: Argument header not a recognized...