
Results 4 issues of tino415

I send invalid scopes in client credentials grant and I god error 500, I suspect that problem start [here](https://github.com/danschultzer/ex_oauth2_provider/blob/master/lib/ex_oauth2_provider/oauth2/token/strategy/client_credentials.ex#L49) where touple `{:error, changeset}` is returned and `add_error` expect only [{:error,...

I'm triing to create mi own extension: ``` vim if ( exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_settings') && g:loaded_ctrlp_settings) fini en let g:loaded_ctrlp_settings = 1 let s:settings = { \ 'init' : 'ctrlp#settings#init()', \ 'accept':...

Are there any plans to add monad transformers or any other way to combine monads, or maybe I missed something?

I had some problems to get this library work on mac osx with python 3, those are changes I had to do: 1. PyYAML had bug in 3.* versions that...