Results 61 issues of tin2tin

From my waveform experiments, this snippet will add license to the file data: In UI: ``` try: license = addon_data.freesound_list[addon_data.active_list_item].license except: license = "Unknown" row = col_list.row(align=True) split = row.split(factor=0.4,...

The drawing leaves much to be desired. Ex. it is drawing no matter what tab is selected, and it is flooding the hdd and the image data-blocks with waveform images....

Rendering with an audio codec selected and mixdown unchecked, will result in dropouts in the audio track. Rendering with an audio codec selected(ex. mp4, h.264, ac3) and mixdown checked, will...

One of the Blender devs, LazyDodo, wrote to me: "if you render from the UI it'll generally do the color management in glsl which will appear single-threaded, when doing a...

I noticed that Parallel Render will only work with the mpeg-4 container and a h.264 codec when using Ffmpeg video. I guess, that this is not a bug, but probably...

I hope the File-Browser can be altered when in VSE mode. The import options are missing: ![image]( The VSE workspace File-Browser, if you open the lower area, it will cover...

help wanted

Monitor size changes in the Sequencer Preview area and call “Fit Preview In Window” if changed - inserted as a checkbox option in the Sequencer/Preview/View menu.

So those strips can be pasted in afterward. However, the built-in copy function chokes on strips involved in transitions.

The functions are only working when called from the VSE Header Menu. They should also work from the hotkey induced popup menu.

Billrey: "We should also add the contextual menu to the Sequencer too, inside Look at how this is added for the other editors."