Results 61 issues of tin2tin

I'm testing a file from Avid First. In my Avid project folder I have: ![image]( The avb files produce this error: `C:\Users\user\pyavb\examples>python "C:\Users\user\Documents\MC First Avid Projects\tintwotin\Avid_test\Avid_test Bin.avb" b'BINF' b'464e49427d000000020e040000009da74e5ed93e18000000b7820100000000010000000300416e79010000000300416e79010000000300416e79010000000300416e79010000000300416e79010000000300416e79000003000c0005000100e0fffaff24006a000100004d004d004d010000b300b300b30600030000000002010200000003'...

When trying to convert a avb file using (in Avid) linked media, I get there errors: ``` C:\Users\user\pyavb\examples>python "C:\Users\user\Documents\MC First Avid Projects\tintwotin\Eyeframe\Eyeframe Sequences.avb" Eyeframe Traceback (most recent call last):...

It seems this add-on opens the possibilities to process the images of the vse in python, so I guess it should be possible to do the processing in G'MIC?

Download, open, hit play = nothing. I've tried the various audio device options = nothing. Do I need to download an instrument, or is that included? Any other ideas what...

Thank you for PySceneDetect! Here's an simple implementation of PySceneDetect in the Blender Video Sequence Editor: ![alt text]( I just used your example to do the detection with a...


I'm trying to implement pycodestyle in an add-on for the Blender Text Editor, but having pycodestyle to read re-saved file, while editing is too slow, so my question is if...

FFplay(ffmpeg) opens and plays the dpx img seq correctly, so is there a misreading in MLT of what dpx files are? For quick testing I've uploaded a file with an...


By no means finished work on updating Code Autocomplete... but maybe a start?

Is it only on Windows the resulting strip is cut shorter. Like this? ![Push_to_too_short]( The fps seems to be set correct in the command line. Any ideas how to solve...


When installing through the plugin manager(paste github url), the installation of this plugin seems to hang. I don't have much experience in Unity, am I doing something wrong, or does...