Users are complaining over the Blender add-on for round-tripping audio in Audacity is broken due to the missing "PlayLooped:" command in Audacity. So, what is the status on this? Or...
Could you share the settings? Typically when the resulting images are black is because the nsfw filter kicks in, but when it does that, it is written in the console.
I played around with the idea of a text preview of the template header, maybe you'll find that interesting? https://blenderartists.org/uploads/default/original/4X/7/8/9/78952dba5b95b4f582b376fb2feadb17fde09373.gif For me the biggest problem with using templates is that...
Currently it doesn't seem to install properly(it doesn't show up among the installed add ons?). In the bl_info there is a whitespace line, and that gives an error, but still...
Yes, now it opens. I had to refresh the list to get entries in the list on first run, maybe it should do this automatic? Maybe you could consider making...
Ah, next update there will be a checkmark included: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/new-icons-for-blender-2-8x/4651/716
Maybe placing something like this before the loop will do the trick: box = box(align=True) Maybe using box also may add additional spacing? Not at computer right now, so I...
This is as tight as possible(without box): ``` if bpy.context.scene.sniptool_preview: # box.prop(scn, 'sniptool_preview', text='')# '\n' not recognised, split in multiple labels col = layout.column(align=True) for l in bpy.context.scene.sniptool_preview.split('\n'): col.label(text=l) ```...
Maybe there should be two insert functions one in a new document and one pasting into the current document(paste icon)? On the new icon, maybe a try and catch could...
The Templates implementation is pretty bad as it is now(that mega long menu), so maybe your add-on could replace it? Or be included in Blender as a much more comprehensive...