Tim Wojtulewicz

Results 197 comments of Tim Wojtulewicz

I can add the field to the stats block but it's going to require the packet sources to fill it in. I'm not sure we should leave it as a...

@awelzel is actively working on this stuff now (see https://github.com/zeek/zeek/pull/2273, for example!)

For the second part of this, I'm going to opt not to break the existing API for `PktSrc::PrecompileBPFFilter`. Instead I'm planning to add a method that returns either an enum...

Outputting this in json or something similar would probably be most useful. It being in an easily-parseable format would help zkg determine if something is already installed for dependencies. Something...

Another possible piece of data would be the VERSION file from any of the submodules, if one exists. The only problem I see with the submodule data I suggested previously...

We currently have `ORDERED` and `UNORDERED` modes for Dictionary objects. `ORDERED` mode is the "insertion order" version that you're describing above. We don't modify the table elements for it, but...

Another question here that I just thought of (as I'm looking at another Dictionary issue) is how this would be controlled via script-land. Most likely the easiest way is to...

The `&ordered` attribute was added in the PR above. `&sorted` shouldn't be too much harder, once I sort out how to cleanly call script functions from C++.

Great. I'm just waiting on a build for https://github.com/zeek/zeek/pull/2451 then I'll close this out.