Timur Carpeev

Results 70 issues of Timur Carpeev

I am looking for a way to add white space around image crop as illustrated in the image bellow. Anyone has ideas how to achieve that with the existing transformations?...

### Discussed in https://github.com/saleor/saleor/discussions/9620 Originally posted by **heyarne** April 25, 2022 When writing queries that work against the list of products stored in Saleor, I noticed that the `AttributeFilter` in...


### Discussed in https://github.com/saleor/saleor/discussions/10045 Originally posted by **manojLondhe** June 22, 2022 Hi, We have a use case where we want create a sale under which we are offering discount which...


### What I'm trying to achieve Trigger a webhook when a product/sale gets published given a scheduled date.

Feature request

### What I'm trying to achieve Filter parameter is missing in ```products``` ```collections``` ```variants``` ```categories``` nested in a Sale ### Describe a proposed solution Add filter parameters and check for...

Feature request

### What I'm trying to achieve Fetch sale details for products ### Use case • Displaying sale details and terms on the PDP • Programmatically removing from all sales ###...

feature request

Filter groups and operators would allow users to create complex queries to speed up querying of the catalog, orders, etc.

Feature request

### What I'm trying to achieve Filter entities by slugs. ### Use case Working with external APIs that refer to products by slug, such as CMS, ERP etc. ### Describe...

Feature request

### What I'm trying to achieve I would like to be able to filter some of the array properties to avoid implementing filtering client-side as well as not inflate payload....

feature request

This helps parsing pushed_date, otherwise it is nil. Which I believe was the reason for plugin updates not working correctly