Timur Carpeev
Timur Carpeev
@agrawalarpit14 could you please describe your use case?
We are planning to do major enhancements of our filters API Q3 this year
Could you provide more details about mutations you are calling?
@dawidjk please take a look at the giftcard feature in saleor 3.1 You can sign up for a free dev box account here https://cloud.saleor.io/
We have a draft of a custom pricing mutation, please take a look https://github.com/saleor/saleor/pull/9326 It will allow you to add lines to checkout with arbitrary prices. Any feedback is welcome!
_The order won't have the discount created although the totals will be reflecting the discount_ Could you please elaborate on this? Would be great if you could use dashboard to...
Top level await would make runJS so much more useful, it would become a great playground for exploring and debugging various API
If you are looking for logging async functions in a convenient way, you could enable pipe operator for your convenience ``` const log = (fn)=>{ fn.then(r=>console.log(r)) } asyncFunction() |> log...
Hydrogen for Atom does it nicely, no need to tinker with the cells https://atom.io/packages/hydrogen
optimization wise it is most likely the most efficient when checkout is on the same domain as storefront