Drew Simmons
Drew Simmons
Yes, just cloned, npm install, npm start. Node 6.9.4 and 8.6.0. state.stt.serviceURI is undfined. In the console I can "new webkitSpeechRecognition()".
Got it working. For my version of chrome (62.0.3202.94) there doesn't seem to be a way to blanket allow all sites access to the [microphone](chrome://settings/content/microphone). So I have to ask...
I think it's because I'm loading this view by refreshing the page. App load behavior seems to be a bit different than just swapping out a view. Logs say there's...
Bit of a hack but this worked: app store: ``` emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', function () { state.app.DOMContentLoaded = true ``` view ``` if (state.app.DOMContentLoaded) { do everything as normal } else {...
Hello @sbazerque, ## Talking through the [playground logic](https://github.com/hyperhyperspace/hyperhyperspace-core/blob/master/playground.html): Any help confirming this would be appreciated. #### a. Creator/first peer (peer1) (setup id/store/resources) a1. create the type of store I want...
Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! I will continue to digest and experiment. The big thing for me right now is getting my understanding up to a level so I...
Sure, not much to it. Here you go: ``` const css = require('sheetify') ``` ``` const loadingCss = css` :host { @keyframes blink { 0% { opacity: .2; } 20%...
Thank you for researching. Is there a way to use this css without host?
My bad, has nothing to do with the "@" rule. Breaks on all uses of "host".
I think host just applies to the parent element, so for my keyframes example I got it working by removing the outer host.