Tim Schwartz
Tim Schwartz
> I use > `composer require --dev beyondcode/dusk-dashboard:dev-master` > > It's works. I get the following: Problem 1 - cboden/ratchet[v0.4.1, ..., v0.4.3] require guzzlehttp/psr7 ^1.0 -> found guzzlehttp/psr7[1.0.0, ..., 1.x-dev]...
you forgot "-ngl" to offload layers to the GPU
Can you paste the whole output of main?
I uploaded my documentation to https://imperian-systems.github.io/docker-php-client/classes/ImperianSystems_DockerPhpClient_DockerClient.xhtml I've noticed that the type hints *do* appear when I view a trait directly (https://imperian-systems.github.io/docker-php-client/traits/ImperianSystems_DockerPhpClient_Networks_NetworksTrait.xhtml) but they do not appear in classes.
@theseer bump