Mohamad Reza Golab

Results 6 issues of Mohamad Reza Golab

By using pnpm package manager it has an error: after cloning the repository i just run: `pnpm i` `ng serve` showing angular loading icon and then stuck, Got error from...

By adding a repository wrapper, we can use DI in wrapper, also create an instance of all repositories and initiate them all in 1 place.

Run test as debug mode "Debug Test" you will face an error from BlazorHero.CleanArchitecture.Server that say System can not find "Files" directory. it must be fix. but for now, you...

# Description By creating a new angular project I just add a button in appcomponent.html under the main tag and I got this error **During the watch mode**: _npm run...

🐞 Bug

From android 14 **FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION** permission is needed. **carp_background_location** is depend on **background_locator2** The app must ask for permissions in it. ------------ [Pedometer] also need to ask activity recognition permission [commit...