Tim Rabbetts

Results 7 comments of Tim Rabbetts

``` ./import.php invalid_grant - Authorization code invalid: xxxxxxxx Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process. ```

solved it here is the code, need to build my own token ```#!/usr/bin/env php

I copied the access token and refresh token i got when I did the browser based auth.

refresh token not working says invalid refresh token working on a fix for this

trying this out at the moment will confirm if it works const today = new Date() const yesterday = new Date(today) yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1) const options = { subject: subject,...

Send now doesnt do anything. Maybe it doesnt like the dashes in ngrok url? bla-bla-bla.ngrok.io/gps ??