Timo Carlin-Burns
Timo Carlin-Burns
when they exit the hypo it could either take them back to the lobby or to the shared replay. are you asking how the client would find out the shared...
Why would that be good behavior? I'm using this feature to see what result I would've gotten if I played the game differently from them, and then all the sudden...
This would have the benefit of allowing a good alternative to Zamiel's preferred negative notation: `!g2;!b2` would work as he desires.
I think the spare clues=4 metric is helpful in that endgame. Spare clues assumes you save all the 4's for the final round, so you if you play both 4's...
Would it be satisfactory to show remaining possible clues and cards not gotten in the efficiency section and let players do the subtraction or division?
Here's how I do hydra without this feature 1. Hover my mouse over the game 2. Close my eyes 3. Click the game 4. Hold spacebar 5. Open my eyes...
Does this appear regardless of whether the leader has 1000+ games?
I would like to use the remake feature and I have more than 1000 total games. > I assume it never happens in practice. I don't understand. In practice, because...
Would it better if it just remade the table and teleported everybody without confirmation and then they can hit start game if they're ready or remake the shared replay if...
On turn 1 you could simply blind play a slot of your choosing :laughing: