Timothée Goguely
Timothée Goguely
Hi, I'm using you plugin on a website I'm working, and so far, everything was working like a charm – congratulations for all your work on this one. So, my...
It would be very useful to be able to move an existing page from one folder to another.
Hi, I'm using your promising plugin on this trilingual website: https://correspondances.ch/sitemap.xml The `sitemapindex` looks fine, but when I look inside each language `sitemap`, all `` urls start with the default...
## Icon Request * Icon name: Fediverse * Tags of this icon: Logos * Use case: social links * Original SVG: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fediverse_symbol.svg * More info: https://symbol.fediverse.info/