Timo Knapp

Results 6 comments of Timo Knapp

I experienced exactly the same. Also thought, this will automatically download the `.apk` uses it to update the App. Is there maybe a property missing which we have to adapt...

@aenonGit I have experienced similar things with the status. Have you tried investigating yourself? I can maybe support if needed.

> hi team, > > please confirm if the option to define network policy as part of manifest is already in place or it is in WIP or still in...

@agisbert Would you mind rebasing your PR? This will fix your GitHub Action such that I can merge your changes. Cheers

### ⚠️ Artifact update problem Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is. ♻️ Renovate will retry this...

Hi @CnPx98 , I have the exact same issue with my Stadia controller