Try to escape the +, see https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe/search/results?keyword=visual_c%2b%2b&status=FINAL&orderBy=CPEURI&namingFormat=2.3 There are different escape methods for versions 2.2 and 2.3.
Upvoting the forge by geekoftheweek. Solves the problem.
I have the same issue.
Reason is that the nice people from financialmodelingprep do not provide the most recent EBIT anymore. I am going to make a pull request to your repo.
You should definitely print out the error response in data.py where response = urlopen(url) in case of an exception. Quarterly data like in the example is not supported for the...
Check the link in my comment from 3 years ago. They replaced all `+` with `\+`. So `c++` becomes `c\+\+`.
affects me too. But it usually takes 200 MB.
If you just kill that big process, the plugin may continue to work. Other alternative to the plugin are xfce starters in the edge with the commands: min: bash -c...
I compiled with --debug=full.