Timo Jääskeläinen
Timo Jääskeläinen
@dennismozart1994 There might be some simple answer to your question that I don't know of, and I'm certainly not qualified to speak on this subject, but I had an idea...
In all of these examples, except for the one by @mpsnp, the functions that dispatch async operations are strongly coupled with networking service. How do you unit test that? I...
Finally, I've managed to make all of my ReSwift related logic fully testable. Now my actions are simple structs, reducers are pure functions and I can test my async code...
I have created an example project that demonstrates this pattern. The project includes unit tests. The reducers and actions are free of side effects and the class that handles asynchronous...
I can spend some time doing this, if you feel like it's a good example. My only concern is that I haven't used it enough -- e.g. it's not battle...
@DivineDominion I've found an annoying issue with this method. With the current implementation, you'd have to create a new enum for each new asynchronous action: ```swift enum FetchPostsState { case...
@DivineDominion I think I've made a better pattern to handle async operations that my previous proposition. Here's an example project that implements it and includes tests: https://github.com/timojaask/ReSwiftAsyncMiddlewarePattern The idea is...