Timofey Mukha
Timofey Mukha
Hi Julius! I have not intentionally removed the guard. I guess I just didn't see it. In principle I am not against this if it helps in practice. The only...
I've added limiters for the solution on develop. But yes, Spalding's law is particularly bad in this respect due to exponential terms which depend on u+. Additional stability is added...
Hi! I'm pretty sure you are right! What is computed in the incompressible case is, in fact, the stress divided by rho, since the whole RHS is divided by rho...
Nice CRM pics though :-)
Hi @Arcadia197 ! This should now be fixed on the develop branch hopefully. What I do is grab `muEff` at the wall from the turbulenceModel class and use that to...
Hi Mark! Looking at the various ifdefs, many of them are for really old versions. I think I am comfortable with deprecating support for everything below at least 1806. That's...
Removed all the ifdefs, which affected the .com fork. Could still be some stuff in the https://github.com/timofeymukha/libWallModelledLES/blob/master/versionRules/libraryRules that needs to be looked at.
See here for discussion of the FO implementation: https://develop.openfoam.com/Development/openfoam/-/issues/3011 However, I believe the implementation in the library is not fully correct either: the velocity is not projected before computing the...
Correction: The wall-normal gradient was in fact projected in the library. In the SampledWallGradU::sample() routine.
OK, running decomposePar and then removing proc* is not necessary and can be skipped. I confirm that mpirun -np 2 redistributePar -decompose -parallel // I changed to 2 procs in...