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ITStream problems during decomposing a case using redistributePar
Hey Timofey, as already mentioned, I am investigating into your library at the moment for real industry applications. However, there are already a few problems I encountered. Lets start with the first issue.
Using your library for v2212 and the LES motorbike tutorial lead to ITStream problems while using reconstructPar even with the simple blockMesh. Case + run script attached.
As for real industry applications, we commonly use the parallel application reconsturctPar it would be nice to have support for that application.
Thanks in advance, Tobi @shor-ty
OK, running decomposePar and then removing proc* is not necessary and can be skipped. I confirm that
mpirun -np 2 redistributePar -decompose -parallel // I changed to 2 procs in the decomposeParDict to have less output crashes with the ITStream error.
[1] --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2212)
[1] Attempt to return primitive entry ITstream : stream.boundaryField.lowerWall.RootFinder, line 0, IOstream: Version 2.0, format binary, line 0, OPENED, GOOD
primitiveEntry 'RootFinder' comprises
on line 0: word '{'
on line 0: word 'type'
on line 0: word 'Newton'
as a sub-dictionary
This is the function in primitiveEntry.H
//- This entry is not a dictionary,
// calling this function generates a FatalError
virtual const dictionary& dict() const;
To me, it seems like redistributePar is somehow not reading the subdictionary properly?
Haven't worked on that much. I think we need to create a simple bc outside the library that uses a dictionary and see if that works.