Timo Brembeck
Timo Brembeck
> I am not sure whether it is actually necessary to track the character usage in DeepL? If you're not interested in knowing whether your assumption of 7 characters per...
> query DeepL (also potentially error-prone if another region happens to translate at the same time). Theoretically we could use a simple `threading.Lock()` for this, shouldn't be too much effort....
> has a length of 277 characters excluding spaces, and that is exactly the amount of credits DeepL consumes for the translation (I already accounted for the event title), even...
> write the description/content of a page/poi/event to a tempfile, send it to DeepL, the python DeepL library automatically writes the result to a new file. Read it, delete both....
> Does it not? For that example, an input and output file are opened before calling `translate_document`, but it looks like that function then handles reading and writing? Exactly, in...
> To sum up discussions in chat: it would be nice to copy files that are being used (included in pages or events) and update image source attributes accordingly (#1382...
@osmers the problem has been fixed in the upstream library xhtml2pdf, but these fixes have introduced a number of even worse bugs (for example [page numbering doesn't work anymore](https://github.com/xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf/issues/670) and...
> This either depends on #1414 or the media links have to be excluded from the replacement, otherwise the images will be broken. My earlier statement is not true since...
Are there any use cases for this function besides links? tel and mailto links can also be covered by the link checker and are just disabled currently: https://github.com/digitalfabrik/integreat-cms/blob/4ff1d4433c871763ab2f5d235afe5c0d3928e496/integreat_cms/core/settings.py#L922-L926 If we...
> Any news on this feature and its possible implementation? No, sadly nobody wanted to tackle this complex issue yet. I increased the prio of the ticket to increase the...