Tim Obermeier
Tim Obermeier
You mean the following? python -m pip install stata_kernel python -m stata_kernel.install That gives the same error. "which python" points to the right folder though.
It's Windows 7 - unfortunately I can't try it on another OS since I only have Stata access there. I've attached the log file! [console_debug.log](https://github.com/kylebarron/stata_kernel/files/4297397/console_debug.log)
Also, the notebook looks like this, in case that helps. :) 
That doesn't return an output for me - is there another way to check the version?
I realized I put the q in the end -- the version is 1.11.2
Ok! Is there anything you think I could try (maybe a different Stata version or so)?
> @timobermeier Apologies I was absent from this convo. Is it possible for you to post the notebook that gave you the original issue? I also used the example notebook....
svg fixes it for me, thanks! :-)