Tim Lupo

Results 7 issues of Tim Lupo

Hi all! I'm thinking about adding support for a `position` prop with options `top` or `bottom`. This would allow users to specify whether they want the notification to drop down...

feature request

Hello! I'm trying to render a FBX file on Android but am running into an error. It renders an OBJ file fine on Android and the OBJ and FBX fine...

Hi, I am getting this compile error when I try to build it in Xcode Beta 6. I have deleted and reimported the opencv 3.2 library as per the suggestions...

I'm getting the error `'UnityAppController.h' file not found` on build. It looks like this file is in Unity/Classes, but it's red and not in the actual folder. I know in...

Hi everyone, I got my app to work, but the Vuforia applet itself probably only runs at like 15 FPS. Is this a problem with everyone? Is there a way...

I found an issue when you convert an object with hidden meshes. The hidden meshes do not seem to register as meshes or render in the exported glb file. Expected...

Added `getState` method and made `rotateLeft` and `rotateUp` public. These are needed for custom controls- in my case tweening the camera back to the center when a user releases their...