Tim Schoondergang
Tim Schoondergang
any change someone can review this and merge it into the code base?
First sorry for the delay: Our use case is that we have an endpoint in our application. Our application is / and the endpoint lives in /endpoint/ the rest endpoint...
Both. That is for the user of our simpel inhouse framework, mostly it is apache. But we write everything so it is compatible with both.
Ok I have an possible other fix: If we can set the path from our end and the `getPath` uses that as the input for the `$path` instead of the...
No that doesn't help. Let me explain furter: /endpoint/rest/ is in your example handled by the script /endpoint/rest/index.php. So restler sees the basepath /endpoint/rest/ But with our code the /endpoint/rest/...
If I do it like you says, the explorer is completly empty: (but the rest api will work) ```json { "swagger": "2.0", "host": "tim.dev.tool.nl", "basePath": "", "produces": [ "application/json" ],...
also with my fix the explorer is correctly populated with the correct info, so you can also use an external swagger: ```json { "swagger": "2.0", "host": "tim.dev.tool.nl", "basePath": "/endpoint-v2/rest", "produces":...
Hi Arul, Can you please make the suggested change and merge this? I hate it when we are on p[roduction with an temparly forked version because of an merge that...
Hi Arul, Sorry for the ping, but had you time to check this merge?
Hi, We see the deprecated notices and we see we use a small list not jet covered: 'array_reverse', 'array_slice', 'empty', 'floatval', 'htmlentities', 'is_array', 'json_encode', 'md5', 'print_r', 'strpos', 'strstr', 'substr', 'ucfirst',...