Timm Hirsens

Results 6 issues of Timm Hirsens

Docs: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/identifiers#_new-identifier-guidelines This is a breaking change as it may have an influence on other extensions relying on the current ids. The impact will have to be investigated. Primer: https://github.com/vscode-icons/vscode-icons/issues/1414


This changes the language IDs of eex and HTML eex to be compliant with the new identifier guidelines in vscode. Closes #113

With over 70k install it would be really nice to have some way of gathering errors when they occur at our users. A service similiar to https://airbrake.io/ would be useful,...

help wanted

Beginning working on highlighting code blocks. This will close #21 There are some 'edge' cases that currently are unsupported: ```elixir def call(%Plug.Conn{} = conn, []), do: conn # Map.new end)...

help wanted

Exceptions that are annoted with a `@ResponseStatus` do not return a "Problem Response" with content-type `application/problem+json` once the Spring Security Starter is on the classpath. **This error does not appear...

Help Wanted

In our Java Applications we do trace **caught** exceptions the following way: ```java public static void trace(Throwable throwable) { try { final Span span = GlobalTracer.get().activeSpan(); if (span instanceof MutableSpan)...
