Tim Mensinger
Tim Mensinger
### What would you like to enhance and why? Is it related to an issue/problem? Currently when asking for the ``params`` of an example model via ``rp.get_example_model``, for instance with...
In the R example plotly figures are saved using ```r plotly::export(fig, path) ``` This is deprecated and should be replaced by ```r plotly::kaleido(fig, path) ``` which uses the same program...
Nonlinear constraints are not well documented. - [ ] Improve relevant docstrings - [ ] Extend example in notebooks
### What would you like to enhance and why? Is it related to an issue/problem? Currently, estimagic only supports the standard bootstrap. The Bayesian bootstrap ([Rubin, 1980](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2240875?seq=1)) provides an alternative...
Add unit tests to all functions in `causaltree.py`.
Change API to sklearn standard --even though treatment effect estimation is a mix between supervised and unsupervised learning and therefore any estimator can never utilize the features of sklearn it...
``` --> 447 left = sorted_subset_index[: (split_index + 1)] 448 right = sorted_subset_index[(split_index + 1) :] 449 nonzero_index = np.nonzero(index)[0] TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' ```