Tim Gavin

Results 18 comments of Tim Gavin

Agent sees my iPad Pro as a mobile device, not a desktop. ``` @if($agent->isMobile()) MOBILE @elseif($agent->isTablet()) TABLET @endif ``` Prints out `MOBILE` every time. Edit: iPad is running iOS 12.4.1

@leandroluk [Here's an example](http://stackoverflow.com/a/39800742/2101328) for using it globally in blade templates with a Service Provider.

After playing around a little more, I'm starting to think that Safari just submits the form so quickly that Ladda doesn't have time to load. If I put in a...

@theodorejb I also tried the following instead of `bind`, which is intermittent; sometimes it will work, sometimes it won't. ``` $('form').submit(function (e) { var l = Ladda.create(document.querySelector('.ladda-button')); l.start(); }); ```...

I'd like to have some kind of feedback when uploading images, videos, etc. that doesn't involve AJAX. Was hoping Ladda would be it. :(

Yeah, but I don't think anybody who isn't technical really pays attention to that, do they?

@terales The form submits but Ladda does not show. There's a 404 error in the console; could a required object be missing?

Here's what I did. Probably isn't the best way but it works... Import the models you want to search ``` php artisan scout:import App\\Models\\Post php artisan scout:import App\\Models\\Testimonial ``` Set...