Tim Park
Tim Park
I'm not sure if more investigation happened elsewhere @davidrusu, but I just had a high level look at this. Exposing `crdts` directly is going to be difficult given the current...
Saving this from our slack discussion before Slack erases it. One embodiment of this for the CLI might look like this: ``` | | Source Code to Container | Container...
Is it true that the Raspberry Pi 2 Zero *will* be supported since it is an Arm Cortex-A53 based device (which is ARMv8-A architecture)?
Thanks for doing this @FelixSelter - this is super helpful to understand the protocol with implementation details.
Deleting the router pod manually with kubectl seems to resolve this.
I can confirm. With a Raspberry Pi Zero and the [Adafruit Zero Camera](https://www.adafruit.com/product/5389) I am seeing the same "Failed to Fufill" error.
@morganrallen Yup - you can both store and organize the hardware at Microsoft. Not sure about the availability of the actual conference room until 6pm but it is available from...
@morganrallen I'll arrive at the office this afternoon at 3pm. There is a day session in the conference room so it is not available until 5:30pm but I can arrange...
I don't have great suggestions - I usually park at the one at 4th/Mission but this is not my day to day office (that's in Mountain View) - so there...