Alex Bennett
Alex Bennett
I'm new to rust, but one particular realm which is unclear to me from following the current examples is how to mix state between rust and node. There's a pattern...
Anything on the master branch, at the moment that would be 1.27.0, and it works with node 14 due to the websocket layer having a binary file which was built...
TLDR; we can probably get away with setInterval(gameLoop, 1000/tickRate) nowadays (2018) Explanation of the 16 ms: This came from an era when scheduling a function to be run via setTimeout...
I added my test code to the readme file if you want to use it to measure your timers, or use it as a physics loop.
The server can send out a game state snapshot at 20 frames per second, and then the client can interpolate between these snapshots at its own frame rate. This gets...
nextTick is a viable alternative to setImmediate, the difference being that nextTick schedules a function to run before i/o, and setImmediate runs after. In truth, their names should be inverted....
This sounds a lot like a leak of entities or physics. Something is probably being created but not removed, such that over time the update loop is iterating through more...
I think bots should be able to read messages, though I haven't used that feature in awhile. The bots mostly mirror the `Client` part of the api -- so a...