
Results 9 issues of timegate

Hello, Where can I get the masks to remake the result of Table 2, in the paper "Free-Form Image Inpainting with Gated Convolution"? Thanks in advance.

In outpaint.ipynb, below line gives the following error. `CONF_GENERATED_IMAGE = DCRM(GENERATED_IMAGE)` ValueError: number of input channels does not match corresponding dimension of filter, 3 != 256 I found that the...

In https://github.com/DerrickXuNu/v2x-vit/blob/main/v2xvit/tools/train.py, I just noticed that train_loader = DataLoader(opencood_train_dataset,       batch_size=hypes['train_params']['batch_size'],       num_workers=8,       collate_fn=opencood_train_dataset.collate_batch_train,       shuffle=True,       pin_memory=False,       drop_last=True) **val_loader** = DataLoader(opencood_validate_dataset,       batch_size=hypes['train_params']['batch_size'],       num_workers=8,       collate_fn=**opencood_train_dataset**.collate_batch_train,       shuffle=False,       pin_memory=False,       drop_last=True) I'm not sure that it is...

Can I access to this dataset? I emailed to [email protected] but there was no reply.

I just ran below command one time, and I could get below images `python -m tools.manage_datagen_jobs --output_folder /data/chcho/dataset_try/infinigen/hello_world --num_scenes 1 --pipeline_configs local_16GB monocular opengl_gt --specific_seed 0 --configs desert simple` flower...

I chose to run infinigen through a docker container on a public server since the vram of my personal computer does not exceed 12GB. The below command works well `python...

Like nuscene dataset, could you please provide a simple guideline for waymo dataset?

Hello, First of all, thank you for this wonderful project. I'm trying to use StreamingSkybox.cs somehow, and I found logs below. StreamingSkybox: pathbase=C:/Users/user/Desktop/try/New Unity Project/Assets/StreamingAssets\SkyBoxes/ SkyDataPath: C:/Users/user/Desktop/try/New Unity Project/Assets/StreamingAssets\SkyBoxes/live Trying...

Do you have any plans to support the nuscenes dataset in the near future?