Derek Giles
Derek Giles
Hi, I am not sure what you mean by "hidden" as this is not a normal WooCommerce product state. I suspect you are using a plug in or similar? The...
Hi, we have this over many sites 👎 The bad plug in could be :- WooCommerce Product Bundles Offer product bundles, bulk discount packages and assembled products. Version 6.8.0 -...
OK I have been working with the plugin developer this is a change in Woo which any plugin could cause ... This is Jason again, following up on my last...
Yes we used the 0.8.3 release, we will try to test this asap from source when we get a chance as this was a pretty major issue for us. Thanks!
I think this is related to the issue with the Orderlines as well. #620
Hi this is a duplicate of open issue orderlines and couponlines returning JSON array not string, See #618