Tim Hoffmann

Results 8 comments of Tim Hoffmann

Is it expected behavior that `terraform plan/apply` will still list `0g` topologies? I find it confusing as it _implies_ a change to the infrastructure that is not going to happen....

Thanks for your reply but I'm afraid I still don't clearly understand if what I am observing is expected or not. I have configuration that specifies multiple topologies, e.g. `hot_content`....

Hi, I was wondering if there is any ETA on this. We are currently running into the problem that our terraform plans are always exceeding PR comment size limitations. Therefore,...

Thanks for getting back to me quickly! > Since v1.27.0 plans that exceed the PR comment size will be truncated in the PR comment. As long as the plan doesn't...

I tested again and the apply succeeded with comparing against a PR plan with a truncated comment. So it looks like everything is working as expected in that regard. Sorry...

@jcansdale I experienced this issue as well and spent quite some time trying to figure out what's going on (had a simple typo in my remote's name). I think it...