Tim Cheung

Results 14 comments of Tim Cheung

As of 26-03, the latest version on k8s 1.27 for coredns is v1.10.1-eksbuild.7 ``` ~ → eksctl utils describe-addon-versions --kubernetes-version 1.27 --name coredns | grep AddonVersion "AddonVersions": [ "AddonVersion": "v1.10.1-eksbuild.7",...

integration test pass for new coredns version. ![Image](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/cloud-platform/assets/152907271/bbb0f28c-10d4-4d2e-9bed-a316ea88c563)

The node-role.kubernetes.io/master tolerations will be disappeared in new coredns. ![Image](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/cloud-platform/assets/152907271/415bb0d9-9611-411e-ac9c-91c1176d3495)

Coredns deployment replicas number will decreased from 5 to 3 in new version. ![Image](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/cloud-platform/assets/152907271/573d85a8-de87-44ca-a75f-4ea621e4a423)

There are 6 resources at app-opensearch-alerts-cp.tf file, 1 is the slack channel configuration and 5 are alerts. Those 6 files will always be "changed" when we run terraform plan. -...

- For the 5 alerts resource, we are now creating those by below code. ``` resource "opensearch_monitor" "movies_last_hour" { body =

Tried with different approach but still not working for OpenSearch Alert, more details can be found in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nnVeHrLCFZUbVCDR8Cp-KQTUv03rrD830J6hzqeNwm4/edit?usp=sharing

`opensearch_channel_configuration` and `opensearch_monitor` now will not make change in `terraform plan` every time now But `elasticsearch_opensearch_role.all_org_members` still get a change in `terraform plan` https://concourse.cloud-platform.service.justice.gov.uk/teams/main/pipelines/infrastructure-account/jobs/terraform-plan/builds/83.1

In our live Elasticsearch, there are 23 dashboards as of 26-Apr and seems most of the dashboard are not used or outdated. We need to check whether they will be...