Tim Lucas

Results 58 issues of Tim Lucas

With a continuous response (i.e. regression) `plot_features` classes each variable as supporting it contradicting the prediction. In classification this is easily understood. But I'm not sure how it works for...

I don't know exactly what went wrong but this version of a module has some `\r` line endings that broke `LoadModule`. https://github.com/zoonproject/modules/blob/c1bca5e8776f6967be488b932ff92ad63b66f70d/R/LonLatToCovariates.R Discussed in PR https://github.com/zoonproject/modules/pull/166 This particular instance fixed...

The `BuildModule` workflow is kind of odd when combined with git (makes sense when submitting modules by online form). You keep a separate script with your function, write docs into...

Would be nice to have the README go on the CRAN splash page ala (here)[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/versions/index.html]. We would need to move the images into `man/figures` and remove `README.md` from `.Rbuildignore` and...

Priority - low

Hi all, A few issues I've found with the documentation. Firstly, as far as I can see there's no easy way to get documentation for `list`. `?list` would be very...

Priority - low

I think we're actually pretty short on marine covariates. But anyway, some people are pushing this as a marine benchmark dataset. https://github.com/lifewatch/marinespeed Judging by the url that data comes from...


This breaks when columns are added with names that make df$lon ambiguous. My current test module for example ``` LonLatToCovariates


I'm finally getting around to write an INLA module for zoon. However, I now realise that ZoonModel only passes on `newdata`. I would either have to do some hack so...

It makes more sense to list the output modules rather then Chain them to do what they currently do. Chains could be used to pass one output to another output

Priority - high