
Results 14 issues of Tim

Extract out an interface `api.JsonApi` to restrict all serialization and deserialization behaviors. Developers only need to implement this interface and cover `json.API` value can realize custom json codec. In the...

I do not want to enable jsoniter by add compile tags. Is there any way else to enable jsoniter by code?

我fork了一个版本,在go1.18下实现了分页插件,自增主键回写等特性,希望能对作者提供帮助。 我们应用到了生产环境,主要应用在复杂查询的场景。 另外关于goid获取可以使用我的routine库,使用汇编获取,提升性能。

### 如何使用泛型版本 1. 编辑你项目的 `go.mod` 文件,把 `go` 版本修改为 `1.18`。 2. 复制 [feature/generic](https://github.com/timandy/routine/commits/feature/generic) 分支最新提交的 `SHA` 值。 3. 到你项目下执行 `go get github.com/timandy/routine@SHA`,替换 `SHA` 为复制的值。 --- ### How to use the generic version...


> Please check if what you want to add to `awesome-go` list meets [quality standards](https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#quality-standards) before sending pull request. Thanks! **Please provide package links to:** - repo link (github.com, gitlab.com,...


Hi there, Is there a plan to support more arch? Like ppc64, loongarch64, mips, mipsle, mips64, mips64le, riscv64 and so on?

Access registry-1.docker.io timeout https://github.com/timandy/gohack/runs/7649691770?check_suite_focus=true

Extract out an interface `api.JsonApi` to define all serialization and deserialization behaviors. Developers only need to implement the interface and set the value of `json.API` to custom json codec. In...

Occasional errors do not always occur mybatis version: 3.5.13 mybatis-spring: 2.1.1 mysql-connector-j: 8.1.0 atomikos-util: 4.0.6 ``` org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error querying database. Cause: java.lang.NullPointerException ### The error...

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