Tim Peterson

Results 7 comments of Tim Peterson

@Michel, I'm wondering if there is an option **without** using brackets. On Jul 23, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Michel Fortin [email protected] wrote: > Writing directly a URL, even with http://...

@victorreyesh I just encountered this same error. Can you post your solution? _Edit_ actually my error is slightly different: ``` $ sudo mnpp --php53 --start -n Starting php-fpm dyld: Library...

I believe issue #28 solves this problem, which it did for me.

@Daniel15 did you ever get this issue resolved?

good idea, i need MySQL too, but shouldn’t be too hard to install e.g., http://blog.frd.mn/install-nginx-php-fpm-mysql-and-phpmyadmin-on-os-x-mavericks-using-homebrew/ On Oct 25, 2014, at 4:10 PM, Daniel Lo Nigro [email protected] wrote: > I don't...

No, sorry I think I just copy pasted it from video.js itself. I have no idea about this copyright stuff and don't particularly care about my own rights so please...

I added this as a question on Stackoverflow to see if we could get some help. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48173527/continue-a-script-after-an-exception-is-thrown-php The answer for me was to make sure my Exception was namespaced in...