ran into the same issue doing same work around fixed the issue. when i need to upgrade again if i hit this issue what information would would be beneficial to...
still looking into capturing the data for above, got distracted by my actual job
+100 for fix.i lost a lot of info when running this....
still trying to get cycles to try again, maybe this weekend...
i just deployed the controller and it upgraded without error SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CONTROLLER_VERSION=v0.13.4 K3S_VERSION=v1.30.2+k3s1 hee's node info anyway ```yaml apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: v1 kind: Node metadata: annotations: alpha.kubernetes.io/provided-node-ip: flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-data:...
yes, for me it seems to be. i had done a os update and reboot prior to performing deployment. also i had no other services deployed and running at the...
it ran fine for me the last time i commented, not sure about anyone else if still having issues
this looks to be pushed is there an example for usage? want to set cache-control.
getting same issue with spotlessGroovyGradle plugins { id("com.diffplug.spotless") version "6.25.0" } spotless { yaml { target 'src/ansible/**/*.yml' jackson() prettier() indentWithSpaces() } groovyGradle { target '*.gradle','src/gradle/*.gradle' greclipse() indentWithSpaces() } } >...
think i might've resolved it i cleared the gradle cache i changed the repo settings to repositories { mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal() } and the message stopped