Tim Lebedkov

Results 16 issues of Tim Lebedkov

I created a job that should transform entities from one kind to another by getting the values from the request: `func (x *transform) Query(r *http.Request) (*mapper.Query, error) { c :=...

I try to start and control a job from code, but cannot find the appropriate functions and interfaces. Could you please provide an example? Generally, the public interfaces are hard...

### Expected behavior .ParseURL works ### Actual behavior "Failed to detect feed type" error ### Steps to reproduce the behavior fp.ParseURL("http://groups.google.com/group/chocolatey/feed/rss_v2_0_msgs.xml") Note: Please include any links to problem feeds, or...

![Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-04-07 10-36-51](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/831371/55680980-608a9b00-5921-11e9-84a7-19568ad6c7f0.png)

help wanted

Please add support for Microsoft debugging information in a ".dbg" file.


I currently only have one repository and have to re-open it (double click) every time I start Guitar. Please re-open the last repository automatically on startup.

Hello, I would like to parse JavaScript into a syntactic tree in Delphi. As far as I understand, I would need a 64 bit .DLL for tree-sitter and another one...


I would like to register a COM object.

The silent installation seems to fail: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/tim-lebedkov/npackd/build/1.0.651#L714 `lua [0%] - Installing packages [82%] - Installing packages / Installing / Installing Lua / Running the installation script (this may...

The change in pull request 46 seems to be invalid: https://github.com/synopse/SynPDF/pull/46 Here is the code I used to test this. The output was: MS Sans Serif 2 Microsoft Sans Serif...