@cescoffier @ozangunalp Thanks for the suggestion. As I understand if it was due to messages are not being acknowledged properly it would result in TooManyMessagesWithoutAckException. However, In our case we...
@cescoffier Thanks for clarification. Yes they are. Now I am not sure where is the issue. Will try to come up with a test case.
I think issue is that with IncomingKafkaRecordBatch only [latestOffsetRecords](https://github.com/smallrye/smallrye-reactive-messaging/blob/main/smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka/src/main/java/io/smallrye/reactive/messaging/kafka/impl/KafkaSource.java#L360C47-L360C69) of that batch are stored in OffsetStore.receivedOffsets and subsequently removed from processedOffsets. But processedOffsets will have all Offsets not just the...
@ozangunalp Yes acking individual messages