Rahul Ravikumar

Results 42 comments of Rahul Ravikumar

This works for now. But, i think the longer term solution is to have an implementation of an https://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/autofill/AutofillService.html (which uses the OpenYOLO client API to fill the view). I...

We already have Resnet18 with PyTorch now. FYI

I already wrote an `OLED` part some time ago, and have been using it for a while. https://github.com/tikurahul/donkey/blob/donkey-v3-dev/donkeycar/parts/oled.py For reference.

Thanks for looking at the part. Yes, in general I was trying to minimize the damage caused by a slow part. My version does not try to maintain any real-time...

Ah. I just realized that too. Let me know if you need help when testing things.

Hey @deltaflyer. Thank you for your PR. You have re-ordered changes, and I can no longer rebase as a result. Can you please squash and reorder your commits so I...

> I've written a small routine to write the jpeg binary stream as base64 char stream instead of jpeg files, this already improved the write speed by about 1/3. Let's...

I agree it’s useful to have these options. My disagreement is about config bloat. I was actually not thrilled about some of the other configuration options that you mention before....

You need to use `MirroredStrategy` to be able to use multiple GPUs when using Tensorflow. Its essentially a preamble to the training script we have. https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/distributed_training#mirroredstrategy You will need to...