this is swaggerui3's issue, it doesn't support the url encode, we need to wait the swaggers' upgrade to support url encoding feature. Please use Postman do testing, it will be...
Colin said need to further discuss
I have investigated the swagger3. It can't support change the request body name. we need to wait swagger3 upgrade to support change the request body name feature.
The issue in jira: https://jira.eng.vmware.com/browse/VIP-2757
this issue has fixed in PR https://github.com/vmware/singleton/pull/1538
it need to change all unit test code
The tasks: 1: upgrade the spring boot(3.1.x to 3.2.x) and spring framework(6.0.x to 6.1.x) 2:upgrade the gradlew 3:upgrade the build scripts
The block issue: The singleton can't load the pattern from i18n-patterns-core-xxx.jar
The task need to do after done the investigation: 1, upgrade the gradlew in i18n-patterns-core-xxx.jar 2, upgrade the build script 3, add the zip all pattern task in pattern script...