Tido Klaassen
Tido Klaassen
Your toolchain is too old. GCC 4.8 produces binaries that are too big to fit into the flash image. Try using the current GCC 5.0 release from launchpad.
The binaries have been checked in with the wrong file modes. You need to update the permissions to make them executable. `chmod ug+x ...`
Isn't that what the userData element in the struct Websock is for?
Disclaimer: I have not used Websockets for anything serious, just played around around a bit with some examples. The way I understand the mechanisms here, the websocket will provide a...
The documentation clearly states that atomMutexGet() and atomMutexPut() must not be called from interrupt context. If you need mutex-like behaviour in interrupt context, you should use semaphores with a count...
If I may offer some thoughts on this implementation... I do not think it is very elegant to have the event source signal the receiving thread directly for ~~two~~ ~~three~~...
Yes, you are right. My concept of an event has always been a kind of broadcast that anyone interested can receive. Your implementation is more like sending a signal to...